Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Govt. Degree College

(A Constituent Post Graduate College of University of Allahabad)
Phaphamau, Prayagraj





To ensure campus discipline and enforce compliance of the code of conduct for students as envisaged in THE SCHEDULE OF THE ORDINANCE XXIV of the First Ordinance of the University of Allahabad, 2008 a Proctoral Board has been constitued. The constitution of the Proctorial Board has been posted in the college website Other than maintainance of the campus disciplin, the Proctorial Board will;

  1. Ensure that Identity Card ard issued/renewed within 15 days of the grant of admission to the students. 
  2. Make surprise checks in the campus to ensure that no unautorized person enters the campus. As such, the students are advised to keep with them the College Fee Receipt and Identity Card, issued by the college. 
  3. Ensure that no student is engaged in any disruptive activity, vitiates academic environment of the college, defiles/pollutes the campus. In case of involvement in committee of such an unwarranted act, the students may be suspended/expelled from the institution or denied scholarship, asked to pay penalty etc., as the case may be. 
Proctorial Board: